Friday 7 August 2009

A Good Haul

Hi, as you can see I have been to the Quilting Guild (Kisko) today there were some lovely things I found buttons and ricrac fabric and lots of bits and pieces I love the book I bought it is called Quilt yourself Gorgeous and it has lots of lovely things to make I particularly loved the Tea Cosy which I forgot to rotate so you will have to crick your neck to look at it and I also liked the oven glove I thought these items would be good for Kate's charity stall as the theme is Make Time for Tea (Ovarian Cancer Charity) I have heard from cottonreel who is stamping her foot because she is away for the Quilt Festival never mind I will get her goods.


Elizabethd said...

Poor old cottonreel, what a shame to miss all that!
You found some nice things.

Scrappy quilter said...

Looks like you got some great stuff. Poor Cottonreel...yet I'm betting she has found some quilting stores too. Glad you enjoyed it!!

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